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If you are the Do It Yourself type who not only wants to make their own halters, but can use a computer, a drill and glue wooden pegs, you may want to simply purchase our Template (and all instructional materials) and make your own right now. Pay NO shipping and get immediate access.
The Jig Template comes ready to print and use . You simply adhere the printed faceplate onto your wooden surface, drill the premarked holes and glue in wooden dowels. It couldn't be easier.
What the Template Includes:
Printable Template for the JIG
Instructions to make the JIG
Instructions to make a Halter
Video Instruction Files
*Easy Download after Payment via PayLoadZ. PayPal will give you a button.
If you would like to make your own Jig but would rather we send you the documents and DVD via Us Mail, we can do that too. Use the button below and you can add the Template Kit to your cart. The price is $14.95 + $5 shipping.
**When we MAIL you (via US Post Office) the "Make a Jig Kit" you will receive the actual DVD, Instruction Booklet and a Template printed on "sticky" paper, ready to adhere to your wooden surface.
*Your purchase of this e-template gives you the rights to use it to make a single Jig. Once you make a jig, you can make halters & sell them or give them away as gifts to your friends. But you will NOT BE AUTHORIZED to make and sell the jig, or to resell the instructions to the jig. Your right to download includes the rights to print and use the materials for your personal use. Any other unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.